Mount Taurus, Menangle
A landscape architectural response to the philosophical approach of modern-day living in self-supporting urban systems. A focus on clustered living and closed systems to achieve Beyond Sustainability
Bingara Gorge
Incorporating a planting design based on a considered Southern Highlands Vernacular. A consistent palette of colours, texture form and vibrancy. Sustainability, drought tolerance and use of recycled black water facilities overlay into a unique community and Golf Course estate in which distinctive undertook the golf course rehabilitation.
Gregory Hills
Initially conceived as a greenfield site within the South Western Sydney Growth Corridor, distinctive has worked on this site and the surrounding precinct from inception. A Master Planned community exploring walkability, connection, rehabilitation of waterways and reflection on indigenous and European history. A robust public art strategy and delivery across the site create a connection to the sense of place.
Airds Bradbury Renewal
Focusing on urban revitalisation of the local community, with streetscape identity, water sensitive urban design and ecological protection and rehabilitation